INFORMATION NOTICE (Legislative Decree 196/2003)

Maricart srl
Piazza della Stazione snc 59100 Prato PO Italy
Tel. +39 0574 53011
Fax +39 0574 5301230

Reg. of Prato 01863100978
Share Capital € .50.000 i.v.
Nr. R.E.A. PO-477921
P.I. 018631009780
Tax Code 01863100978

We inform you that, pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, your personal data given to us on the occasion of commercial relationships and / or on the occasion of promotional activities or relationships deriving from the use of our services, or aimed at the presentation of offers or in the formation of contractual relationships, are subject , on our part, of computerized or manual processing, for the purposes of:

1) legal obligations related to civil, fiscal, accounting, etc .; fulfillment of obligations deriving from stipulated contracts; assistance and technical support regarding the products and services purchased by you, including after sales and after any warranty period if expressly provided for; administrative management of relations.

2) marketing and references, information on future commercial initiatives, innovations made to our products and / or services, offers, market analysis, statistics
The data will be processed using tools suitable for guaranteeing security and confidentiality, and may also be carried out using automated tools designed to store, manage and transmit the data.
The data in question are disseminated by our. company to our any sales network – assistance and / or distribution of services (distributors, managers, etc.), or, for services under warranty, to the manufacturer of the goods or to the service company that manages the services under warranty on behalf of the manufacturer.
We also specify that the data referable to you may be disclosed to tax consultants, banks and financial institutions, to law firms, for the management of collections and payments deriving from the execution of contracts.
Your data may also be communicated, following inspections, verifications or requests, to the Financial Administration and to the Bodies / bodies responsible for checks and controls on the regular fulfillment of civil / fiscal obligations.
These data are not transferred by us either abroad or within the European Union.
Considering the commercial relationships in place, your data will be stored and processed by us until your contrary disposition.

We point out that:
the processing of data referred to in point 1 above is mandatory and essential for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations and / or your adhesions to the use of our services and the regular fulfillment of contractual commitments, as well as for the purposes of the exact fulfillment of civil and tax obligations provided for by current legislation.
The treatment referred to in point 2 is optional, and, therefore, in the event of your refusal there will be no consequences, if not our inability to ensure your information on the innovations made to our. products and / or services.

With regard to the above, you are entitled to the rights referred to in Article 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003, published in the S.O. 123 to the Official Gazette 29.07.2003 n. 174.
– Art. 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 –
(Right to access personal data and other rights)

1. The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form.

2. The interested party has the right to obtain the indication:
a) the origin of personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of the processing;
c) of the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic tools;
d) the identity of the owner, manager and the representative appointed under Article 5, paragraph 2;
e) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or agents.

3. The interested party has the right to obtain:
a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;
b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data which need not be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment is reveals impossible.

4. The interested party has the right to object, in whole or in part:
a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
b) to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending material

advertising or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication


Cookies are small text strings that the sites visited by the user send to their terminal, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user.

Cookies are short strings of text (letters and / or numbers) that allow the web server to store information on the client (the browser) to be reused during the same visit to the site (session cookies) or later, even at a distance of days (persistent cookies).

Cookies are stored, according to user preferences, by the single browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone).

For the purposes of interest here, cookies are divided into technical and profiling, depending on the function for which they are used, and into first-party and third-party cookies, depending on the person who installs them.

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are used for the sole purpose of “” transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide this service “(see Article 122 paragraph 1 of the Privacy Code).

Technical cookies are divided into navigation or session cookies (guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website), analytics cookies (similar to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site) and functionality cookies (allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria, such as language, in order to improve the service provided).

The prior consent of the interested party is not required for the installation and use of technical cookies.

Profiling cookies

Profiling cookies are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user when surfing the net.

The consent of the interested party is required for the use of profiling cookies.

Third party cookies

Taking into account the different subject that installs cookies on the user’s terminal, depending on whether it is the same operator of the site that the user is visiting, or a different site that installs cookies through the first, a distinction is made between first-party cookies and third-party cookies.

This website uses the following cookies:

Technical cookies:

– Akismet of Automattic Inc.

The Akismet service is necessary to protect the pages of this site from SPAM and is provided by Automattic Inc. Privacy Policy

– Contact Form

The user agrees to the use of the data entered in the contact form in order to respond to requests for quotes, information, or any other reason (indicated in the title of the form).

– Language selection

Allow the user to select the desired language

Third party cookies

Google Maps

APISID, HSID, NID, PREF, SAPISID, SID, SSID__utma, __utmb, __utmt, __utmt_super, __utmz, _ga, _gat, _gat_ta, _gat_tw, PAIDCONTENT, WMC, GAPS

Installed by the Google Maps module used for the inclusion of maps on the page. Privacy Policy

Google Analytics

The also includes components transmitted by Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Also in this case these are third-party cookies collected and managed anonymously to monitor and improve the performance of the host site (performance cookies).

Google Analytics uses “cookies” to collect and analyze anonymous information on the behavior of use of the website (including the user’s IP address). This information is collected by Google Analytics, which processes it in order to draw up reports for operators regarding the activities of the website itself. This site does not use (and does not allow third parties to use) the Google analysis tool to monitor or collect personal identification information.

Google does not associate the IP address with any other data held by Google nor does it try to connect an IP address with the identity of a user. Google may also communicate this information to third parties where this is required by law or where such third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google.

For more information, please refer to the link below:

The user can selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing the opt-out component provided by Google on their browser. To disable the action of Google Analytics, please refer to

The link below:

Google Adwords

These cookies are used by to study and improve advertising, with remarketing actions, in order to send the user messages in line with their interests.

More information, also in relation to how to disable these cookies, can be found at the following link:

To select / deselect the cookie click here


Some cookies (session cookies) remain active only until the browser is closed or the logout command is executed. Other cookies “survive” when the browser is closed and are also available on subsequent visits by the user.

These cookies are called persistent and their duration is set by the server at the time of their creation. In some cases a deadline is set, in other cases the duration is unlimited.

However, by browsing the pages of the website, you can interact with sites managed by third parties that can create or modify persistent and profiling cookies.


you can decide to allow or not the setting of cookies on your computer, but this website works optimally with all types of cookies enabled. the settings regarding cookies can be controlled and modified by the browser “preferences”.

select the browser you are using below for information on how to change your cookie settings.



internet explorer



if you disable cookies, this could result in the disabling of some features of the site, even with all cookies disabled, your browser will continue to store a small amount of information. this information is necessary for the basic functionality of the site.

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